decimal place

the position of a digit to the right of a decimal point; a specific number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a line of numbers.
Examples from the web for decimal place
  • Percent changes will be calculated from the three decimal place indexes.
  • Those percent changes will continue to be published to one decimal place.
  • Percent changes based on these three-decimal place indexes will continue to be published to one decimal place.
  • There is an implied decimal place after the third digit of the rates.
  • Annual wage estimates are rounded to the nearest dollar and are stored with no decimal place.
  • Students will be able to read a number with decimal place value up to hundredths.
  • If the diamond's weight is described in decimal parts of a carat, the figure should be accurate to the last decimal place.
  • Summary tables must be rounded to no more than one decimal place.
  • Grade-point averages are to be rounded to one decimal place.
  • Performance shall be evaluated and reported to one decimal place for all performance areas unless otherwise specified.
British Dictionary definitions for decimal place

decimal place

the position of a digit after the decimal point, each successive position to the right having a denominator of an increased power of ten: in 0.025, 5 is in the third decimal place
the number of digits to the right of the decimal point: 3.142 is a number given to three decimal places Compare significant figures (sense 2)
decimal place in Science
decimal place  
The position of a digit to the right of the decimal point in a number written in decimal notation. In 0.079, for example, 0 is in the first decimal place, 7 is in the second decimal place, and 9 is in the third decimal place.